There are three species of cockroaches that are most common in our area:

• German cockroach is the one most common and frequently found in homes and apartments.
• American cockroach is commonly found in commercial buildings such as restaurants.
• Oriental cockroach referred to as a water bug.

Cockroaches range in color from light brown to an oily black and can vary in size from 1/4 of an inch to 2 inches long depending on the species.

Roaches carry viral and bacterial pathogens on their bodies and in their feces. When we unknowingly consume contaminated food or use utensils that have been exposed to the cockroach, we can become sick. These conditions are especially harmful to children.

Roach problems can be difficult to prevent but reducing sources of water, food and implementing proper sanitation techniques will discourage these pests.

Preparation for Treatment

Roach Treatment Preparation Instructions English

Roach Treatment Preparation Instructions Spanish

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